tisdag 14 februari 2012


This facebook-conversation is based on my speech about “Pollenkungen”, you remember the guy named Gösta in Ängelholm who saw a spaceship and aliens. He also found objects afterwards that he took home and used as proof for his experience. Later, he started having dreams where the aliens came to him and told him about the secret of pollen. He used this secret to, together with his brother Eric Carlsson and their friend Åke Asplund, start a very successful company, called Cernelle, which makes naturopathic drugs. Claes Svahn is a journalist, and also head of a UFO-organization in Sweden. He has written a book about Gösta, but came to the conclusion that it wasn’t real aliens. Curt Bergquist was a guy that worked with Gösta for a long time. He seemed to believe the story.

18th of May 23:52
Gösta Carlsson: just saw a spaceship here in ängelholm.. must have been the strangest thing I’ve ever experienced? gonna go back there tomorrow to check it out.

19th of May 00:07
Curt Bergquist: wait wut? haha that was random.. can u show me where?

19th of May 00:23
Claes Svahn: pff. I’ll believe it when I see it.. I mean can u prove it? Most of the time things like that have a logical explanation. :P

19th of May 12:41
Gösta Carlsson: Curt: yeah I know haha, it was so weird! and I even saw the aliens! it was out in the sibiria forest u know. and I found some weird burnt marks on the ground… it can’t have been a dream! the aliens dropped a couple of objects as well, so I brought them home. come by tomorrow and I’ll show them to u (:
Claes: u’r always so negative L why can’t u just believe me?

19th of May 13:14
Claes Svahn: don’t take it the wrong way, I’m not calling u crazy… yet. ;) I just mean that if you really saw aliens then u should be able to prove it!

19th of May 13:16
Gösta Carlsson: oh come on.. I can’t show the objects to u, you’d just say they’re fake! L

19th of May 13:18
Curt Bergquist: Haha! sure, I’ll come by around 1 pm?

19th of May 13:19
Gösta Carlsson: perfect curt J

19th of May 13:56
Claes Svahn: haha yeah probably.. you’ve always been a bit wacky, haven’t you? ;)

19th of May 14:02
Gösta Carlsson: fu claes…

19th of May 20:32
Eric Carlsson: I think u should reconsider the story claes. his wife said he came home all covered in pollen last night. what if it really is true? :S

21th of May 09:08
Gösta Carlsson: Ok, the aliens visited my dreams last night… eric call me as soon as u see this, I think this is what we need to get succesfull!

21th of May 17:31
Åke Asplund: OMG haha this is the strangest status I’ve ever read, at first I thought it was a facerape… was the dream about the company u’r planning to start? cause I’m in! J

21th of Mat 18:02
Gösta Carlsson: Nice! I’ll call u (y)

2 kommentarer:

  1. I’ve done quite a few changes in the story to make it fit as a facebook-conversation. In real life this event took place in 1946 and he didn’t come out with his story until 25 years later, but in this situation he posts the status the same day. I’ve also changed the language to fit on the internet, and I don’t think they spoke like this in 1946. The facebook-language is like a mixture of spoken and written language, with a lot of abbreviations. To make it more realistic, I’ve added dates and time for every comment.

    The first result that comes up when I google “Pollenkungen” is an article from Helsingborgs Dagblad. The article was written just after Gösta died, in 2003. This means that nothing bad or disrespectful was written about him just then. The language is not very formal, and it is meant for the general public so there aren’t any tricky words and such.

    The second hit is, not very chocking, Wikipedia. Gösta is quite a celebrity in northwest Skåne so it’s not strange that someone has written about him at Wikipedia as well. The language is not very advanced here, and it is not likely written by any kind of professional since anyone can write articles there. The target audience is people who just want a quick overview of the subject, and isn’t a reliable source.

  2. The "L":s and "J":s at the end of some comments are meant to be smileys... they just didn't follow the copy paste from Word. J = :) L = :(
