torsdag 16 februari 2012


I am just going to give a short introduction about the characters in this conversation. First off we got Hailey, who is a pretty normal girl with an interest for different questions regarding the society. Peter is her friend who likes to tease her, because he knows exactly what to say to make her irritated and to get her going. Cameron on the other hand, he is a douchebag with a huge ego and he is the definition of conceited. It is hard to tell if he is serious or if he just wants to upset people. Fenella is a girl with a big interest for politics and especially feminism and she pretty much hates everyone. The link is just fictional but if it were real it would contain arguments about quotas, which is the subject I wrote about in the academic writing essay.

Hailey McGriffin
Hey everybody!! Check this link out, and see for yourself why quotas are really bad for society, companies and women!!! This is exactly what I have been saying all along, women will do better without it!

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 20 minuter sedan · 
Peter Lock
hailey, hailey, hailey… when will u understand? nobody cares…
Gilla ·  · Dela · för 18 minuter sedan · 
Cameron “Ladiesman” Walsh
exactly peter,  women should be nowhere but in the kitchen. It’s only pathetic to say that women can do everything a man can, because u can’t. try to fix up a car or repair a flat tire or do the plumbing. Yeehh that’s what im saying, not that cocky now r u????
Gilla ·  · Dela · för 15 minuter sedan · 
Hailey McGriffin
God, you are so stupid!!! If you don’t care then don’t read it and don’t answer it. Idiots.

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 14 minuter sedan · 
Peter Lock
chill hailey, just kidding with u. u know I love women, right? don’t care if they are 80 or 10, i’ll serve at their command at any time. ;)

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 14 minuter sedan ·
Cameron “Ladiesman” Walsh
lol peter, u’re so incredible lame. and hails, don’t u have dishes to do?

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 10 minuter sedan · 
Fenella Stead
So true Hailey!! I read the link and it’s awesome. This entire society is dominated by disgusting men (or you could call them pigs) and it’s time we do something about it!!! Keep it going girl! Girlpower xoxo

Cameron: you would be nothing without women you lowlife idiot. i hope you’ll end up alone and miserable.

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 8 minuter sedan · 
Cameron “Ladiesman” Walsh
you can’t be serious fenella. Be serious and just realize that there are some things men are better at. Don’t be ridiculous or make a fool out of urself. Just amit it

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 5 minuter sedan · 
Hailey McGriffin
But Cameron that is not what we are saying, read the link and then you’ll know what we’re talking about. I am not saying that women are better or not admitting to the fact that men are better at some things, just like women are better at other things. What we are talking about is that it’s not gaining women to force companies to have women on their boards and stuff like that. So I think you should listen to your own advice, and not make a fool out of yourself.

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 3 minuter sedan · 
Cameron “Ladiesman” Walsh
yeye, whatevery hailey. We all know men are better at everything that counts. I couldn’t care less about u being better than me at handling a dishwasher and whatever.

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 2 minuter sedan · 

Hailey McGriffin
well good luck with your life then, Cameron. you will always be depending on women and you will appear ridiculous if you can’t even do your own dishes

Gilla ·  · Dela · för 2 minuter sedan · 


1 kommentar:

  1. A. My first to hits, or actually my first four hits on the word “quotas”, was Wikipedia. The first hit that wasn’t Wikipedia was from which is some sort of database for women which provide global information about quotas. The language on Wikipedia is informative but also very different since there are many different writers on the site. The aim is to only be informative and the site does not take any sides at all, it only presents them. The other site is also informative but more advanced with words that are typical for the subject. This site is not natural like Wikipedia, this site has definitely got and opinion.
    B. About the language I got inspired by some friends of mine from England, I also borrowed some of their names. It was pretty easy to find inspiration, pretty much every day some of my friends are discussing something on Facebook, so it was very easy to find inspiration for different characters. I was aiming for the language used by teens, because that’s what I use.
